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Strength, Stability,
and a Stunning Smile

“Dental Implants Restored My Smile To The Great Smile That I Used To Have”


Strength, Stability,
and a Stunning Smile

Too many patients struggle with failing teeth, missing teeth, and old-fashioned dentures. Traditional dentures limit your food choices, frequently leading to nutritional deficiencies for denture wearers. Ill-fitting dentures can slip, shift, and fall out, leaving you with uncomfortable sores and embarrassing situations. Many times, they require uncomfortable adhesives to stay in place. Even in the best-case scenario, an old-fashioned denture uses suction to stay in place, meaning it will cover the roof of your mouth, making it hard to speak clearly and limiting how you taste food.Whether you already have dentures or know dentures may be in your future, you deserve the stability, function, and beauty full mouth dental implants can offer. Full mouth dental implants can replace all the teeth in your mouth, restoring your quality of life and giving you a smile you’ll be proud to show off. No more struggling to eat and chew with painful, broken teeth or ill-fitting dentures. You’ll be able to eat a juicy steak, crisp salad, corn on the cob, and bite into apples again, all while being able to speak, smile, and laugh with confidence.

Strong Teeth For Lasting Health

When teeth go missing, your body no longer needs the bone that used to support those teeth. Over time, your body absorbs the unused bone tissue, shrinking the bone of your jaw. Losing the volume of your jawbone changes the shape of your face, often adding decades to your appearance. Lost bone volume also allows the jaw to overclose, straining the joint.

Full mouth dental implants prevent bone loss by stimulating the jawbone with normal chewing forces. Because your full arch dental implants will help maintain healthy bone volume, they’ll preserve the youthful contours of your face and prevent damage to your jaw joint. More importantly, full arch dental implants help prevent nutritional deficiencies often seen in denture-wearers because you’ll be able to enjoy a full range of foods without limiting your diet. Full mouth dental implants will give you your dream smile, but they’re also an investment in your overall physical and psychological wellbeing.

“I Was Without Teeth For Years,
An All-On-X Gave Me My Smile Back”

The Proof Is In Our Patients

Your Journey To A Smile You Will Love

Your path to better quality of life starts with a free dental implant consultation in Albuquerque, NM. Our experienced team has the advanced training, state-of-the-art technology, and uncompromising standards to give you the best results for your full arch dental implants. With a consultation in our office, we’ll be able to gather detailed digital diagnostics using our Cone Beam CT scanner and intra-oral scanner, so we have a full picture of your anatomy and what solutions will work best for you.

However, we also understand that even getting in the door for a consultation can be a difficult step for many patients. That’s why we also offer virtual consultations! You can reach out online and send us a photo of your smile. Our implant dentist will send back a video discussing some potential options and how full mouth dental implants may help you.

The Process Has Never Been Easier


Step 1: Personalized Consultation

Once we’ve gathered your detailed diagnostic images, we’ll construct a 3D computer model of your anatomy to use in planning your customized treatment plan. When surgery day arrives, you’ll be able to enjoy comfortable, anxiety-free dentistry thanks to our full range of sedation options. Many patients will need failing teeth removed, or bone grafts to give their implants a strong foundation. Then, we’ll place your implant posts.

Together we’ll discuss the best option for you and if you’d like, you can see before and after case studies from real ABQ Dental Implant Center patients, including how their treatment truly changed their lives. Dental implant pricing, insurance coverage and financing options will also be discussed. If dental implants are best for you, our Albuquerque, NM implant dentist completes precise surgical planning to ensure each implant placed is in the exact location, angle and depth for optimal lasting success and ideal esthetics.


Step 2: Precise Dental Implant Placement

Most patients report that their implant surgery is very comfortable with only local dental anesthesia such as for a normal filling. Likewise, patients overwhelmingly report minimal discomfort during the healing process. Although your dental implant posts need several weeks to fully integrate into the bone tissue, you’ll only feel a little sore for a day or two after your surgery. Because we can place a fixed implant supported denture all on four to six posts, and full arch dental implants on eight to twelve, we can minimize your cost as well as expedite your healing.


Step 3: Final Restorations and New Beginnings

In the past, patients could expect to wait months before finally getting their final prosthesis. Using our state-of-the-art techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy your dream smile in a matter of days after your surgery. In the meantime, our 3D dental printer will give you a gorgeous provisional so you can live your life while you wait. Before you know it, you’ll be enjoying your favorite foods and living with a smile you can love for a lifetime.

The quality of restorations out there can vary. Focused on both function and esthetics, ABQ Dental Implant Center offers some of the most natural-looking options on the market today, able to match the look of natural teeth almost exactly, while also offering durable function. We’ll fit your custom-made bridge of new teeth to your dental implants, making sure your bite is properly aligned. You’ll leave our office with a lifelike, functional and confident new look that will last for years to come!


Dr. Rogers In The Media


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